Marioni’s future is increasingly greener, more social and more technological.



the historical Florentine company that produces refined and exclusive furnishing accessories and collaborates with the best architects, interior designers and international contractors, in the first months of 2023 has adopted a new policy aimed at achieving increasingly sustainable, more technological and socially correct objectives.

From the point of view of respect for the environment, Marioni will install a photovoltaic panel system with a power exceeding 660 KW, which will run from the second half of the year while it has already replaced the natural gas-powered heating system with electric heat pumps for the carbon emissions containment into the atmosphere.

As far as the social aspect, Marioni is working in close contact with various local companies for the organization of workshops and demonstration events, which have the aim, in addition to increasing interpersonal relationships, of transmitting a more in-depth knowledge of its production capacity with the intent to create a 100% qualified tuscan supply chain.

Marioni has also strengthened its collaboration with external research institutes, such as UNIFI and UNISI, offering the possibility of carrying out training internships for university students.


In the technological field, in addition to the adoption of the FTTH optical fiber, which will go from 200 Mb/s to 1.000 Mb/s, Marioni has joined the TrackIT blockchain project launched by the ICE agency.

Blockchain tracking will make possible to communicate the history of the products in a simple and direct way, increase the trust of the final consumer, fight against counterfeiting and report the sustainability of the company and its collections.

The use of blockchain technology will also help us to create a new Direct to Consumer (D2C) communication channel through which to tell the value of each individual object. The end user will have the chance to verify all stages of processing and transformation by scanning a QR code applied to the product.

It is assumed to activate the traceability of the entire Notorious collection, consisting of over 200 models, within the next 12 months.






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