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  • Bencore:Wasbottle, the new 100% recycled material has been selected for ADI Design Index 2021

    Wasbottle, the new material produced by the collaboration between Autogrill and Bencore, has been choosen for ADI Design Index 2021, the selection of the best Italian design that completes the preselection for the next “Compasso d’Oro”, the most prestigious world design award. The panel – selected in the category of ‘Enterprise Research ‘- is 100%…

  • The new MARIONI website is now online

    The new MARIONI website is online! Elegant graphics, smart and accessible, full of information and services for private customers and professionals   This, as the result of a 6 months intense graphics, contents and technical job. The new platform has been created with the desire to express who Marioni is, its history, what manufactures and…


    FAMILY PASSION THAT BECOMES BUSINESS: FROM THE BEATING HEART OF FLORENCE, THE CRADLE OF CRAFTSMANSHIP AND ARTEFACT, BRONZETTO TELLS US ABOUT ITS STORY This fascinating journey begins from the Oltrarno, historic Florentine district, suspended in between history and tradition. Developed through a unique cultural identity, linked to centenary commercial activities operating in the world of…