ORMA by Glass Design | The latest trend of hand-decorated objects

ORMA by Glass Design

Florence Glass Atelier® Collection


The Atelier project stems from the stylistic research conducted by an in-house Glass Design team focusing on the world of fashion. The colours, shapes and textures analysed draw inspiration from the trends of the moment, in order to create objects with a glamorous and captivating allure.

ORMA is the new countertop washbasin fashioned from glass using a very particular artisanal process, which results in a series of irregular pentagonal engravings in low-relief.



The contrast between the inner part, featuring shiny and smooth decoration and the satin and multifaceted exterior gives rise to a particularly seductive interplay of light which ensures the washbasin becomes the focal point of any bathroom.




Proposed in 4 different textures: Demi Mat, Mat Gold, Mat Silver and Mat Bronze, it is available in sizes: Ø mm 400xH.150 and Ø mm 440xH.150



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